Localized Wind Modeling

Localized wind conditions are an important input into many geospatial modeling solutions developed at GDA. Whether we are predicting pesticide overspray, drift of objects on the ocean surface, or developing routing strategies for people and equipment, understanding the wind allows us to predict with confidence.

Example of how low resolution HRRR forecast data can be upsampled to provide high resolution local estimates.
Example of how low resolution HRRR forecast data can be upsampled to provide high resolution local estimates.

GDA uses Data Assimilation to combine topographic data with low resolution wind forecast data to generate hyperlocal wind forecasts. Built around technology originally developed at the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, GDA is able to rapidly provide improved wind forecasts for a variety of customers and wind-dependent applications. In all use cases we are able to estimate localized wind conditions and the uncertainty surrounding these predictions.

Relevant Projects

Localized Wind modeling provides critical information for projects that depend on understanding dynamic, real-world environments.

SprayCast (EPA Phase II SBIR, 2022)

SprayCast uses localized wind modeling along with droplet size, and chemical composition to minimize the risk of off-target pesticide spray.

Phoenix (DARPA Phase II SBIR, 2023)

Phoenix project wind forecasts, topography, and in-situ measurement data to inform adaptive routing strategies for crewed and uncrewed resources in dynamic, and potentially dangerous environments.

DriftPredict (NOAA Phase II SBIR, 2023)

DriftPredict uses a combination of forecasts and in-situ measurements to provide services for deployment planning and navigation of autonomous ocean vehicles.